I provide bespoke training for organisations, therapists and individuals on many intersectional topics as seen below.
As a DEI facilitator and intersectional psychotherapist I can’t for reasons of disclosure talk in depth to all the particular incidents I have encountered being LGBTQIA+ and multi-heritage.
What I do speak to is the experience of being othered, questioned and discriminated against for my intersectional identity and how these can have a detrimental effect on mental health.
As a trainer in this field, I speak to a working environment centric methodology and the links between work, health and belonging.
I do invite those present into their own intersectional identity and how we can find similarities. These similarities are utilised to demonstrate the advantages of diversity and equality in the workplace including how it is enriching and facilitates a psychologically safer work topography. I will also be talking about authenticity at work, valuing experiences beyond your own lived experience, approaches in the workplace when issues occur, intersectional ERG’s and their importance for visibility and resonance in the workplace, along with the effects of imposter syndrome, compassion fatigue and burnout.