Psychotherapy—Psychotherapy can help you discuss feelings you have about yourself and other people, particularly family and those close to you.
You do need to be in crisis to be looking for a psychotherapist.
You and your therapist can work towards delving deeper into what you bring to session. Psychotherapy allows you to look deeper into your problems and worries, and deal with troublesome habits and a wide range of issues, such as depression.

Hypno-Psychotherapy can offer a deeper method of evoking change from within than hypnotherapy alone. I do not use hypnotherapy with every client and each situation is treated according to the individuals needs and goalsSome physical problems have mental causes, and they can be treated with hypnotherapy or psychotherapy.
Hypnotherapy tends to succeed more quickly, is less expensive, ideal for smaller issues, my psychotherapy training comes into its own when dealing with longer term solutions to older more stubborn issues.
Hypnotherapy—A hypnotherapist neither fixes nor cures you, be wary of people who say they can. I simply give you new knowledge and training so that together we can change unwanted behaviours and eliminate unwanted beliefs. Hypnosis is a natural state involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion and imagination. It does not have to include closing your eyes even. During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration. The person can concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory, while blocking out sources of distraction. The power to change is within your hands, heart and minds.
The term may also refer to an art, skill, or act of inducing hypnosis.
In hypnotherapy each person should be considered an individual, and treatment is unique to that person. I draw upon more than one type of therapy, sometimes called ‘modality’, using this larger toolkit of solutions gives us more to work with to perfectly tailor any therapeutic approach to you, the individual.
They’re great for overcoming fears and problems that keep you from being social and succeeding in life.
If your only knowledge of hypnosis comes from movies or live shows, you should know that the nature of hypnotherapy today is greatly different than in the past. Beginning in the 1940s, psychiatrist Milton H. Erickson revolutionized the nature of hypnotherapy. He analysed the nature of trance and how people accept suggestions. Instead of ordering people around with “You are getting sleepy!” commands, he started giving more apparent control to the patient (“You may find that you’re getting sleepy, and can close your eyes when you want to”). Hypnotic suggestions changed from direct instructions (“You will stop biting your nails”) to metaphoric tales and stories that led a patient’s unconscious mind to change unwanted behaviour on its own.
You can use therapy for a multiplicity of concerns such as Fear of the Dentist/ Medical Professional, Flying, body image, Phobias, Fears, Public Speaking, Grief and loss, Pain Control ,Stopping Smoking, IBS, Relationships, Bruxism, Sports Performance, Tinnitus, Confidence, Exams, Motivation, Insomnia, Stuttering, Sexual Issues